aFter eXam...
After exam should be very fun, but who noes its so boring..2day we hav career talks in sch..quite ok 4 the start of the day coz the talk is about media...thAts what i am gona be in,tat industry..yup..as a producer..hehe.. love to boss ppl around..kekezz..yeah..but 4 the rest of the day of sch were real sianzz..projecT woRk!!!god!my leader sign out then nobody tells us wat to do..but me n mahane took the initiative to do the powerpoint..but the stupid laptop frm sch is damn lagging..was so pissed off with it..at last we did nothing..oh yaa..gona get my touch rugby jersey 2m..yeah 54 buCks..!! so ex!ya tts 4 2day..:)