
Thursday, December 16, 2004

wE nEed tO wAkE uP aT 5.30am tO dO mAkE uP n dO oUr hAiR..I sLePt fOr a fEw hOurS oNly..sO sLeePy... yAwnZzz..

ouR aftEr mAkeuP fAceS...mE n mY pRetTy cOuSin

wE r tHe 'sIsTErs' oF tHE bRiDe..so wE wEnt tO dIanA'S hSe to sTop thE gRoOM fRoM cOmINg in..ASk hIm qUeStIoNs tHen tAkE hOngbAo fROm hIm..haha

mE n dIanA tHe bEauTiFul bRiDe..

tHEn wE nEed tO fOlloW tHeM tO tHe gRoom'S hSe fOr tEa cEreMoNy aFtEr tAt cUm bAck To dIaNa'S hSe aGaIn fOr tEa cEremOnY..i gOt cArsIcK cOz tHe jOurNey from bOth plAceS sO fAr..HahA...

in the car..jane n me

after the tea ceremony, i went back to sleep so tired...then wake up around 4 to make up for at nites dinner again..

we r the receptionist...

my family