
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i think i was real tired, woke up at 1.30pm.. haha.. went for my brakfast cum lunch with my dad.. i realised i have not been exercising since i graduate.. i mus find time to go swim n run..

i have completed the 1000 pieces puzzle long ago but have not frame up.. i shall go n buy the frame once i have my off dae..
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the puzzle was suppose to be my sis bdae present but duno hw to frame so delay until nw.. hehe

nothing to do at home so feed my guppies and my dad's fishes..

left two only, the other 3 duno why buy a few daes so fast die..
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look at my dad's hungry goldfishes.. n there is one very big n greedy!!!

i miss my pets.. my guniea pig, my rabbits, my hamsters, my quails... hurhur..