
Friday, October 22, 2004


FiNalLy man..Was sO pIsSed oFf wIf thE ScH'S cOm jUz nW..So iRriTatIng....DamN sLow mAn..I pOn pHySicS lEsSon 2dAy..n CamE tO tHe lIbaRY..

Oh yA weNt wif ChEryL yEstErdAy to Lot1 to EaT..GeRaL WeNt Hm oReAdy..ThEn'S tHeRe'S dIs gRp oF bEnGs n LiAnS lOokIng At uS tHen PoInt tO ChErYl..TaT Was sCaRy..DuNo tHey wAnA fInd TroubLe oR wAt..

YEstErdaY's 9pM shoW was gReaT, The cHaMpIon..Got ToRo..So hAnDsOmE!!!I wAtChEd sIngApoRe IdoL tOo..ChrIsTopHer sAng wEll lAsT nIte n hE wAs sOooo cUte..hehe..thEn i WaTchEd thE wIntA sOnaTa vCd aT eVery cOmmErcIal bReak.. SwItCh hErE n ThErE..SaVe tImE..lol..tTs y wAs sLeepIng in cHeM lEcTUrE jUz Nw...So tIrEd..

dUnO whEthEr i ShouLd bElEve hIm aNot..SomEtImEs hE sOunDs vEry FiLrt..buT he'S sWeeT aT tImEs..hEhE..I ReAllY dUno mAn..ThInk i nEed sOme tIme tO mAkE tHe DeciSion..

I hAv DeCiDeD to uSe tHe sCh'S cOm DiS fEw wEekS so tHat tO acT gUai iN fRonT of my PaRentS..TheN WeNt thE bIllS cOmE, ThEy nOe tHat iT wAs my siS whO uSe tHe inTeRnEt aLl tHe WhIle..HEhE smaRt huh??

sO hUngRy nW..HaVeN eAt SinCe mORnInG..ThInk bEtER gO eAt nW... :)