i WEnT tO bUy chRiStmAs pResEnTs fOr mY fRiEnZ..tHEn aFteR tAt wHen tO tHe NKF cOncErt liFefOrCe cElEbRatIoN aT aNgLo-cHinEse sChOol..gOt vAn fAn And sIx pLus... tHey vErY hAnDsOmE mAn..OMG...haha wE sAt 2nD rOw sO nEar mAn..bUt mY sIde tHoSE ppL nOt hIgh oNe.. Then mAdE mE sO eMbArAss tO sHoUt mYsElF..hehe
dId u sEe???vAn sHaKe mY hAnD...hAhA..dun wAn To wAsh my hands aLrEadY..lOl
sIx plUs
i love hIm..OmG hE sOoo cUTe..hE wAvEd aT mE..hehe
afTer tAt wEnt bAck tO mY hSe dOwnStAiRs cHrIstMaS pArty..mY bRo jOined thE juNioR iDol wIf hIs friend..i thInk gOt 1st..They pErfoRmEd tAkEowANdo..oF cOz mY bRo mAH..lol