
Saturday, January 22, 2005

so lOng hAve not been blogging...busy with school work, rugby training n my s&k work...
todae i had rugby match at navy base...we play seven matches...i so proud of myself cuz i scored a try...haha...we won two matches against sp n navy...we draw with nyp... lost to hcjc, sa n forgot oready...su yi say i todae star player.. everyone say i did very well todae..hehe..but i lose concentration during the last match with sa..so angry with myself..think i too tired oready..
then intially we wanted to go town to try the sizes of canterburry shorts...but some of them say they too tired oready...so we went to eat at sinaran near cck...yup..hmm..new year cuming soon...hope it will be a much better year for me..
tomorrow hav to work at 10am...tired...no choice...hai...

Sunday, January 09, 2005

finally got some kinda of break to rest...yesterdae worked afternoon shift...duno why my whole body aching.. think too long never been so stress..haha..1st time wear red razor back to work..though i aways wear outside...kinda funny cuz everytime work wear got sleeve tee..haha..

ya loh then my pay short of 8 hrs..got to get back from boon..he say muz treat him 2 person sushi meal then help me get back..irritating guy..haha.. kelvin n boon kept asking why i so moody..haha i aso duno..maybe quite alot of things been happening to me...then boon told me a stupid joke..he saw the 2 aunties kept nagging and tok non-stop into our shop and found themselves bang into the glass panel..haha..

oh tat fridae quite scary..got a guy kept asking me which tee colour is nice..he din buy then came back after a while..dis time he bought.. then tat guy ask me wats my name.. then say his friend wans my no..i juz kept quiet then smile then went on to do my cashiering..after he paid he said thank you jasmine..i realised he knew my name becuz tat stupid boon shout so loud across asking me to be the cashier of tat dae...i scolded boon..then he say if he neva shout tat guy aso can find my name from my name tag..haha..

tomorrow going back to school again...my rugby training daes hav change to wed n fri...yup..next week have to work afternoon shift on sat n morning shift on sun...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I aM sIcK!!!
nEvA gO fOr rUgBy tRaiNinG tOdAe...
gOt flu n cOuGh pLUs nO vOiCe!!! sO lOng oReAdy sTiLl hAvE nOt rEcoVer..
so mAnY tEstS cUmiNg uP!!
dIe!! mY oRgAnIc cHem aLl dUno..hAhA
yUp neeD tO sTaRt mUggIng..
sO tIrED...

Monday, January 03, 2005

1St dAE oF sChOoL..dAmN sleepY..
1sT pErIod hAv ChEm tEsT on oRgANic cHem..i DuN eVen nOe a sIngLe tHinG.. hAhA..aS i dO mY eYes gEt hEavIeR..tHen fEll aLsEEp.. hAhA
oUr mAthS tEacHeR cHanGe tO mIsS tEo..ShE lOoks nIce..bUt mAybE fOr tHe 1St dAe oNlY.. wHo nOes.. hAhA..
I mISS cHERYl!!!sHe sO gOoD oRiEnTaTion leaDEr..I AsO WaN tO bE!!!
mE n gEraL tOk aBouT lOts oF sTuFF dUrIng CT pErIoD.. HaHa..aS uSuAl tWo tAlkAtIvEs..
i aM sTLL tHe cLaSs GP rEp..lUcKy mY Gp tEacHeR cHanGe man..thAnK gOodNeSS!!! nOt mIss lIm..shE dAmN iRrItaTing lAh..AwayS fInd mE nO mAtTER wHaT hAppEnS..
hAhA yUp..oH gOnA hAv a sOcCEr fRiEnDly gAmE..
sEnThiL gAnG vS kElVin gAnG
sO sAd mY cLaSSmAtES aBouT 5 gUys rEtaInEd..
Then 2 nEw gUyS cAmE in oUr cLaSs..Hai..mIss tHem...
gOnA sLEeP nOw.. yAwNz...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

i mIsS nEw yEar eVE!!!sO fUn mAn...eVerywhERe pEoPle wErE sPrAyIng tHe sNow tHingY n ThE lOnG sTrIngs..tHeRE wEre PinK(mY fAVOURITE!!!),gReEn,pUrPlE hEadS aLl oVer tHe pLacE..HAhA yUp We sAw pEoPle playEd uNtiL vEry fUn sO wE bOugHT sNow sPrAyS tO sPrAy PEopLe..tHE aH nEhS tAt vEry sicKenInG, pUrPoSeLY aImEd aT gAlS..tHerE'S onE aH nEh pUrPosEly tHrOw tHe cAp At mY bUtT.. SicKeNInG!!!I tOoK mY rEveNgE..I sPrAyEd At tHe Ah NEhs..HeHE..i Saw yAti mY sEConDary nEtbAll TEaM maTe,sHe n HER bF..Aso sAw pJc sCh mAtEs kElVin n hIs fRiendS..OhOh n sAW wEi qiaNg tOo mY s&k fRienD..hAhA..sMaLL sInGapOre iNdEed..

yUp vErY vEry fUn!!!bUt rEacH hOmE, wASh Up n sTuFf aBoUt 2 pLus aDy tHen WenT tO SlEEp tHe nExT dAE hAv tO wOrk fUlL sHiFt..cAn U iMaGiNe?fRm 10Am tO 10pM...So tIrIng..i DuNo hOW dId i sUrvIve mY yEstErDae..I gOt no voIcE..kEpt cOuGhiNg think bEcOz ate too mUch oF bb sTuFF..yA lOh.. tHen wHen CuStoMers aSk me sTuFf mUz sTruGglE tO tOk tO tHem...so pOoR tHiNG ritE?hhAhA bUt nO ONE cAres..

lAteR hAv TO gO Work agAin..I cAnCel mY TUiton cUz bOon aSk mE tO gO EArlY tO hElP uP..yUp tOmorRoW sCh ReOpEnInG sOOn...HaiZ..sO fAst AnOthEr yEar gOnE..