NeWS1) cheryl got the job tat i introduce so we will be working together2) A bRaNd nEw yEar is cOming!!! i am looking forward to it.wed 28/12/05suyi, char, hui ling and me met together at pasir ris mrt then saw j1s( chin, dorcas, ade) at mac and went together to our rugby chalet.. at first tot quite pathetic, a chalet so few turn ups.. n also i realise the bbq was not held on tat dae but the following dae.. we had notin to do so we watch tv until 3 guys came, push, qalaam and rahmat.. oh desmond and cons came too.. but they left after having dinner and playing daidee in the room.. the chalet room was the one like my birthdae chalet but it was on the second floor.. after our dinner, phyllis came to join us, we went to our room and started to play daidee again, qalaam kept losing.. haha.. oh after tat jac n her sis came.. we played for quite some time, again and again until push was quite irritated and wanted to go to the beach.. thur 29/12/05we went together and it was quite cold and windy.. it was around 1 or 2 am.. still remember tat time i came to the beach was during my birthdae and we had some unpleasant incidents.. but the beach was not tat quiet.. quite a no of ppl was there.. we took pics at the bench, alot of times, thanx to hl.. haha.. then we went back and slept for a while.. the gals occupy the 2 beds and 1 side bed.. there was only one side bed left for the guys to rest.. rahmat was on it and chan tong slept on the floor.. push, qalaam chit chat and watch tv until they cannot take it, push left at 6 plus in the morning to sleep.. haha then qalaam slept on the floor too..
then we woke up and went for our breakfast cum lunch.. waited for the rest of the ppl and bbq.. skye has a movie player and we watch a show abt footy, forget the title.. while waiting for more ppl to come, su yi accompany me to the arcade to play.. haha quite fun.. yup set up the fire and the bbq was like tat as usual.. after the bbq, we played risk, dis is the longest game tat i ever played.. kills me man.. haha so while waiting for my turn, i joined the j1s to play monopoly.. play both sides.. the most fun part was skye bought peach absolute vodka.. i was very boring and falling asleep, i asked phyllis to mix the drink for me.. the drink damn tasty better than the original.. i was quite hook on it and asked for more.. then jac and hl kept taking away my drink and drank some sips for me.. then i started feeling the heat in me.. haha.. they told me tat i was very red and was going to be high.. dis was wat skye told me the next morning.. and i asked for more they gave me water instead.. felt drowsy and went to bed.. tat is when i surrender playing risk.. fri 30/11/05i woke up saw them still playing risk.. oh man.. and rahmat won and ruled the global.. and we watch transporter 2 until fell asleep again.. the risk players were still sleeping.. haha they played all nite.. 6 hrs.. can ya believe it.. heard from su yi and skye wat i did when i was abit high.. sounds interesting and quite unbelievable.. then some j1s had hangover lucky i din.. yup went for mac breakfast went straight hm.. i slept at 2pm, woke up at 6 then went with my siblings to watch qing tian da sheng.. tot the show would be nice, turn out quite lame.. dun ever go watch.. quite stupid the show..
yawnz nite woke up
juz now went with cheryl for face shop interview.. i hope cheryl can get the job so that i've got someone whom i noe to work with.. cheryl told me ben was like asking me where am i and they were like talking abt me.. hahah yestedae went for my dad's friend's daughter's wed.. guess hw old is she? same age as me.!!! 18... oh man.. so fast got tied dwn by marriage.. tat sucks.. then her hus 19? they still not working yet.. still studying in poly.. eeee.. haha ok my own views.. yup.. sianz.. nothing to do at hm.. I wana watch qing tian da sheng.. nice movie!!!
juz now went geral's church for service.. supose to meet her at 1.15 at somerset who noes last min change to 12.30pm.. n noe what i 12 then woke up.. haha then i faster took taxi to meet her.. at starhub building, then cuppage plaza.. i very scare i say wrongly then the taxi driver duno drive me to where.. haha when i saw geral then i noe i was at the correct place.. phew.. after tat we went for lunch.. she met her friends i went home for family dinner.. tomorrow will be going to veron's hse for christmas.. going out now.. merry christmas.. shit haven buy presents yet..
wed meet tze wen after going to sign the contract with the face shop.. 2 jan will be starting training.. 1 week after will start work.. we went town.. actually i wanted to eat at derrick's workplace, california pizza, but derrick say very ex, ask us not to come.. then din see derrick as his break juz over.. hurhur.. ahhaha.. we went forum toy r us walk.. haha tze wen damn funny and pervertic indeed.. but hav lots of fun then he ask his chat mate out.. he did not see her before la very funny.. we were like talking then she like nothing much to say a bit weird.. yup.. thur slack at hm.. oops no.. went with my cousin to pan pacific.. go look for job.. he already got the job but he went to check his schedule and accompany me for interview.. i noe i have a job already but i canot wait until jan then start work.. i sure rot to death.. but too bad the job also canot start immediately.. my fate.. hai fri went for my btt.. I PASSED!!! haha smart yea 1 time pass.. but is only basic..haha tze wen ask me out go ps.. feel quite lazy so din went.. somemore derrick going hm soon.. tomorow playing bb with them.. can see him.. haha
dis afternoon i went to bbdc for my theory practise.. din see my dad.. i failed.. haha din study got 84%(42 out of 50) need 90% to pass.. lucky it is only theory.. dis fri actual test.. after tat meet my mum to go for the face shop 2nd interview, i went in with a try for fun attitude cuz i already hav s& k job.. to my surprise i was hired.. oh my god.. this has brought me real headache.. have to choose bet them.. hai have to give up s&k.. i hope i dun regret.. n A BIG THANK YOU to denise n chloe for understanding and my fickleness.. then went to meet derrick together go queenstwn stadium to support his team but lost 5-2.. hmm.. then went to play bb.. stupid tze wen say i play like netball style..haha..
i went with tze wen, derrick and some queensway ppl to play basketball at queenstwn cc dis morning.. have to wake up earlier than usual so quite mood swing.. haha.. they went to play lan and of coz i din play.. i watch them play and i still can't figure out wat are they trying to play, shoot here and there.. lol.. then spencer came to meet us.. we went to play pool, derrick and spencer play billard..i went hm after tat, i need to replenish my energy for tat nite's gathering with 104 ppl.. i meet the 3 guys at tiong mrt at around 6 plus, went town look around after tat meet the rest at raffles.. we went la pat sat to eat.. at first the atmosphere was abit weird.. thanx to those guys kept laughing, i canot conc on eating.. haha they were funny.. shalini flew back frm austra, she became prettier, sexier..oh and more slang..at first canot really figure out wat is she trying to say.. melanie was also there, became more jap i guess.. tee yi same cuz i see her in sch, najib retro, i think his specs is the same pair as mine except his blue mine is pink.. well,.. oh yong xue still as quiet as before, kengzee din change much, tze wen's hair nice, he noe how to style well, spencer same cuz he is in my sch, derrick still as cute as before haha.. yup went to esplanade after eating, then went to the chocolate bar, wait for duno how long.. shalini almost quarrelled with the staff there.. i went off with the 3 guys then took 111.. alight earlier at queens, and there's no mrt left hav to take taxi back.. i was quite scare cuz my hp no battery then i was alone to take cab..but lucky i was back safe and sound..phew..hehe i have received a msg from face shop ask me to go to their office on mon for another interview.. how? i still canot decide where to choose to work at s&k or the face shop.. hai...
yesterdae went with teeyi to ps for job interview.. we initially tot we were going to work as a vcd sales assistant.. end up quite embarassing, cuz turn up the post was sales assistant for the face shop.. it goes like tat: interviewer:so wat post ya wana aply for? me: so how abt sales assitant selling vcds? interviewer:did ya got it wrong? i was quite embarassed. n he suggest me to check out the shop next to the burger king where the interview was held and come bac again for interview if i wan..then i realised i have got it wrong.. it was selling cosmetics.. tee yi say she dun wan but i wanted give it a try and went for the interview again. he ask me to tell him more abt myself.. after that ask me wat subj i studied n wat topics i find it the most difficult.. wat the hell i have long forgotten.. how would i noe..lol.. n he ask me a maths qn 24 x 50= i was too nervous then reply him after quite a while.. :x towards the end of the interview, he told me i was quite hireable but it was a pity i could only work for a short period n all the trainings will come into waste.. i think he feels tat i was quite jovial and sporty tats why he thinks i can be consider ba.. haha.. but even i got the job, i think i am stll sticking to S&k..dis coming mon will be my driving theory practice, fri the theory test..hehe tomorrow playing pool with derrick and the rest..
fridae went to ting en's friend's condo to play tennis.. went with reuben too.. 1st time play tennis, quite fun though.. at first din get a hang of the ball, after tat was slightly better.. now i noe abit of tennis.. then reuben treat us eat dinner, should be supper la cuz around 10 plus..after they send me to bukit batok mrt.. reach hm around 12 plus.. yesterdae went escape.. long time din play.. went into the haunted house.. i shout like mad.. i was the last person n the 'ghost' kept following making those howly noise.. freak me out.. my dad lead the way..haha my sis force me to sit on the extreme top of the pirate boat.. no choice.. it was not scary but i feel like screaming.. oh the go kart, i play the 1st round, i was the 1st among the 7 ppl.. 2nd round i purposely went 5th then came in 3rd. hehe gd racer huh.. thanx to denise, my ex s&k in charge got me in to s &k outlet in town.. not sure when starting work, should be next week..
okiez i'll get blogging.. i hav been busy with tv series, watch those vcds dae n night.. hehe my taiwan trip26/11/05I woke up at 5am. I was very excited for the trip to Taiwan. My neighbour who is a taxi driver gave us a lift to the airport of cuz not for free.. We waited for our turn to board the plane. However our flight was delayed, suppose to be 8.30am, delayed 2 hrs so have to wait until 10.30am. We had breakfast at the airport which was a complimentary from the SIA to compensate for the delayed flight.  Finally, we board the plane n i watched the movie "love for dogs" & " Charlie n the chocolate factory". After 4 1/2hrs of flight, we reached taoyuan airport. we tot we can go straight to our hotel after reaching, end up waiting again. due to some people who were not suppose to board our tour bus came to our bus n we have to wait for quite some time before we can settle down. Reached our hotel is around 5.30pm, the night has already fallen, we were free to go out ourselves. My dad brought us to xi men ting. we took cab there, the taxi driver is very friendly. xi men ting ppl n the shops there were real cool. bought a mickey mouse top.. Very nice.. NT$450.  I also bought a hello kitty handphone cover. haha the person selling is illegal seller, when i was choosing, she suddenly clode her shop n ran away, i tot she did not wan to do my business. then i realise there were police patroling after tat when the police left, i bought frm her for NT$100.  at xi men ting They have dis basketball arcade thingy game which is a in thing for them. the whole shop contains only this game machine. after tat went back.. 27/11/05I has breakfast at the hotel which was sucky and left taipei for hua lian. now i then realise we had to change hotel everydae.we went to yeh liu to see the natural rock formations.. look at the pics..  then went to jiu fen, shop around n eat beef noodles..i bought a hello kitty candy.. look!  we have a delay again for 4 n a half hr because our bus driver had scratched other driver's car.. we went up to hua lian which took 4 n half hour to go up the mountains.. i tell ya it is damn tiring.. then it was raining.. luckily only small rocks drop onto our bus.. we reached and had our dinner and went to watch the cultural dance of yuan zu min. there is a guy tan n cute.. haha but din get a chance to take photo with him cuz i shy..hahah we stay in hua lian hotel.. better than the previous one. 28/11/05we went to see some scenic spots, with waterfalls.. look at pics better.. haa  I have never sit in a bus for such a long hour from hua lian to gao xiong, we board around 2 plus reached at 8pm.. can ya imagine, we spent more time on the bus than we spent outside looking around.. 29/11/05 we went to the spring and autumn pavilions and temples in gao xiong..    after tat when for hot spring bath..i tried the spring bath which requires ya to take out everything. i was quite paiseh at first then after tat quite ok cuz all aunties inside.. my sis n mum dun dare to try, they went to those spring bath which requires ya to wear swimwear.. the food there sucks but for todae's dinner was better.. we ate huo guo.. nice.. jap style hahah  then went to night market to shop...  30/11/05   1/12/05 Home sweet home
i just came back from taiwan.. relax for a few daes.. will update on my trip to taiwan later when i am free.. tonite there's prom, will be doing my hair in my saloon, shaping my eyebrow by my aunt, makeup by her ba.. yesterday i did 4 hrs of manicure.. very nice.. done by mEEEE!!! i think i can open shop.. haha very nice.. i'm not going clubbing after tat.. my parents dun allow.. sigh.. sorry geral, not purposely to pang sei ya... yup will update soon..