2day we were very slack..onlY attEnd pW lEsson..bEcOz oUr cHinEse tEacHer bRouGht uS to cHinAtOwn tO eAt lA mIan..tHey teAcH uS hOw tO mAke lA mIan n dUmpLinGs...bUt inSteAd oF mAkIng wE tHroW fLouR aT eAch OthEr..bUt tHe wE iS nOt mE lA..oF cOz..iS tHe chIldIsh gals gEral n cHerYl..tHe lA mIan nOt nIce loh, wAsTe mY mOnEy..8 bUCcKs..oUr bUs hAv nOt cUm Yet, so our tEacHer lEt uS gO sHoppiNg..bUt aS u All nOe cHinAtOwn Is tHosE aUnTieS n UnClEs pLacE..nOtIng To ShoP..sO jUz anYhOw wAlK hEre n ThEre..
On ThE wAy bAcK, OnlY wE tHe 3 lIttLe pIgs wEre tOking n lAUGhInG aWaY On The bUs.. eVeRyBoDy weRe sLeepiNg n no1 is TOkINg..loL..tHen bAck iN sCh we hAd oUr pw oRal pReSenTatIon..ChEryL's gRoup pResEnt 2day..sO fUnnY..nOt hEr uSual sElf WhEn pResEntiNg kEep looKing aT hEr nOteS..lol
I wAs vEry wOrriEd dUriNg thE pW lEsson cOz i tOt sOmebOdy wAs aNgRy wif mE.. tHen I rEaliSed mY pHonE nO rEcEpTion..sTupId 8250 hP..My hP 6610 was send 4 repair..haD RuGBy TrNG TaT DaY..WaS RaInINg HeAvILy..WHen i rEacHed tHe gRanDsTaNd, sAw thE rOugEs gAthEriNg 2gEthEr tOkinG..iT sEemS sErioUs dIscUssIon..n cAme tO nOe taT oUr cOacH hAs bEen sAckEd..gOt pPl ComPlAin Tat hIs tEacHinG nOt EffEctIvE enOuGh n hE tEacH uS cOnTacT rUgBy iNSteAd oF tOuCh rUgbY..sO wE hAd tO WorK on OuR sKiLls oUrsElvEs fOr tHe cUmiNg mAtcHes..ya..
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