
Thursday, December 02, 2004


vErY lOng hAv nOt bEen bLoggIng..nW i hAv thE tIme tO bLog..sOmEtiMes jUz hAv tO bE rEAlly bUsy tO kEeP sOmE tHinGs wHiCh u dUn wAna thInk AwAy..

I haD to gO fOr tRaIniNg tOdAe aT 3pm tO tRain fOr dIs sAt's cOmiNg mAtch wIf tHe nAvY gIrLs..wE pLaYInG conTaCT rUgBy wIth tHem..cOaCh tAugHt uS hOW to sIdE sTeP n sTuFf..I lEft eArlier aT aBout 5 plUs bEcoz I hAv to rUsH tO wOrK aT tAmpiNes mAll..I wOrKed at sAmeUl n kEvIn..2dAy wAs mY 2nD daE oF wOrK..

I wAs sUppOsED tO rEaCh thEre At 6pm bUt wAS lAte fOr woRk n rEpoRt aT 7pm..lUckY tHe iN chArgE wAS rEAllY kInd enoUgh, hE dId nOt sColD mE..pHeW..hE's a gD pErsOn, hE gEt mE inTo hEre, hE wAs mY fAthEr'S tRaiNeE bF..hE taUghT mE aLot..oH n i fOund 1 f4 plAstIc bAg in The sToRerOom n asK hIm iF hE cAn gIv mE..hE aCtuAllY wANTeD iT bUt gaVe iT tO mE in The eNd..I gOt a watch frm s&k tOo.. tHE pPl thERe r rEAl kInd...

gUyS dO vIsIt mE aNd mY shOp k..haha!!TAMPINES SAMEUL N KEVIN!!!