
Thursday, October 28, 2004

04s23 rulzzz

mS lieW aSk uS tO wRiTe reFlEcTioNs fOr ThE yEar..i WrOte aBouT ouR cLaSs vEry uNiTeD..aT 1sT tHouGht hAvinG dIs clAss wAs sO bOrinG..i dIn exPeCt to hAv mY clAss tO b sO uNitEd n sO fUn..I wroTe ouR nEtbAll matcH, hOw tHe gUys cAme to sUpPort uS n hoW wE thE galS wEnt to suPpoRt tHe gUys plAY tHe tOuCh rugBy mAtCh..wE hAv Cum sO fAr 2gEthEr uP tO nW As oNe UNITED clAsS..sO gLad..hehE lUV tHem..hOpE i WUn gEt retAiN n sO dO mY fRiEnDS n 2gEtheR gEt pRomOted tO j2..

2daY wE dUn hAv mAthS tUtorIal sO cAn gO hM..bUt wE hAv cHem lEctUrE iN thE eVeniNg 5.30pm..BuT to waiT frm 2 to 5.30pm is lOng so wE dEciDeD tO gO hM tHen cum bAck AgAin..whO nOes wE sO lAzY gO hM oReAdy Dun WanA aTtenD lEcturE oReaDy..hehE..vErY noTTi riTe..

gOd nOes..mY cHinEse aleveL iS cUmIng sOon..i dUn evEn nOe uNtil mY fRnD rEmiNdS mE AgAin..nXt fRi iGuEss..OH mAn..hAvEn sTuDy yEt..sOmEoNe aSk mE tO sTuDy hArD sO i nEed tO sTudY hArd hArd 4 mY chInEse so nXt yR dUn nEeD tAkE agAin..hehE

signing off..:p