i wEnt tO cOaSta sAnDs fOr
rUgbY cHalEt yEstErDae..I rEAched thEre abOut 12.45pm..tHE reSt oF thE pLayErs wErE lAte..mE n zUL board tHE sAme tRAin..
tHen whEn tHe gAls aRrivEd, wE wEnt mAcdOnAld fInD
hUi lIn n hEr dArlIng..tHey sO loVely..hAha..thEn wE wEnt tO oUr cHalEt..oNly hAv oNe rOom bUt gOt 2 fLooRs..sTill vERy sMall lA..OUr ppL gOt aBouT 30..hOw tO sQuEEzE in oNe bEdrOom..dIs cHalEt sHouLd cHanGe wIf tAt TIme i gO mY OG cHAlEt aT cHangI..dAmn biG 3 rOoms onlY 5 pPl sTayIng..haha..
wE playED
mini rUgbY on tHE fIeld..qUitE tiriNg cUz we rAn wItH oUr sLiPpErs..afTer tAt bY the tIme wE wEnt bAck iT's TimE tO
BBQ..wHile cHantOng iS bBqing fOr uS, wE plAyeD
oH n I nOE hOw To PLaYed gUitAr..sOme cHorDs oNlY..ThaNKs tO
hAzwAn!!! hAhA..hE sO pAtIeNt WitH mE..HehE..tAugHT mE hOw To Play..n
tHe mOsT eXciTing n fReAky pArt wAs wE wEnt
nIght hAUnting..tHeRE gOt tHe
rEd hOusE wHicH THey sAy wAs hAunTed..n wE dEciDed tO cHecK iT oUt..wHen we rEAchEd tHeRe tHe gAte wAs lOckEd so we wEnt bAck..hAlfWay bAck wE sAw tHe sEniOrs..tHey aSkEd uS wHy nV go in tHEn sAiD cLimbEd oVer tHe fEnce la..wE fOllOwED tHem..thE sEniOrs wEre dRunk+ dIpsY.. i sUpPoseD thEy aRe nOt vEry cLeAr oN thEiR mInd..thEy wEnt in n aFtEr aWhIle cAme oUt wIf onE oF thE sEniOr lOsing cOntRol..aT fIrSt wE tOt thEy wErE pLaYing..tRyiNg tO sCarE uS..tHen hE fAinTed on The fLooR..sO sCarY loH.. bUt wE hAv dOubTs iS iT fOr rEAl..cUz tHey sAy tHey sAw MArK n kAne smIliNg aWay..
sUyI weRe dAmN pEacE oFf wIth tHem..sHe sAiD eVen iF it iS true tHey iN tHE fIrSt pLace sHouLd nOt go.. iF tHey wERe jUz faKing tHey sHouLd nOt pLay wIth thOse tHinGS..wEnT tHe sEnIors wEnt bAck tO cHalET..anoTHER 1 sEems uN cOnsCIouS..sO tHey wEnt bAck aGaIn To aPOloGIsEd tO tHEm..bUt TilL nOw wE hAv
dOubTs if it wErE rEal..
i nV sLp tiLl dIs mOrning aRound 5 plUs tHEn sLeEP aBit To 9 pLuS..wE wEnt tO hAv lUnch aT dOwntOwn eAsT..aFtEr tAt wE wEnt tAmpInEs mAll wAtch
mOvie..oCean tWeLve..i wAs dAmn sLeePy aLmOst fAll AsLeeP..tHEn aFteR the sHoW hAd To aSk hAzwAn wAt iS iT aBout..Hehe..
i wEnt tO mY wOrkIng pLacE tO cHeCK My sChEdUlE, thEn
jANe gAve mE cHriStmAs pResent.. a kEycHain with mY nAme..vEry cUte..ThAnk yOu!!yUp gOttA sLp tOmorrOw hAd To woRk.. yAwnzzzz
It'S cHriStmAS tODaE!!!
bUT i dUn hAv tHE cHRiStmAs mOOd..LOl..yEsteRDAe sLepT sO lAte..bEcoZ oF thE fInaL sALe 1st dAE..
StoReWidE 50% oFf iN s&k sHop...
thEn tOdaE actUalLy dUn nEeD tO wOrk..bUt thInk sHoRt oF ppL sO i nEed to cUm fOr hAlF mOrnIng.. wAKe uP sO eArly mAn..yAwnz...
EasT cOasT
aFtER wOrk i wEnt tO eAst cOasT mEet mY fAmily.. We bUilt tEnt THen cYcLe tHErE..mY cOusIn yOnG lIanG cAme aLonG tOo..i sLePt in tHE tEnt fOr awHile aftER cYcLing..I wAS sO tIreD lA..
1sT dAe oF 2005
i nEed to wOrk fUll sHifT..OMG!!! fRom 10aM to cLosIng lEh..dIe aH
I am LOokIng fOrwArd tO thE ruGby cHAlet aT cHAngI on mON tUe n WEd..hehe.. yEAh...
hAven dO mY tUItiON hOmewoRk..tOmorRow tEachEr iS cUming..shiT...tHink tomOrrOw tHeN do bEfOrE hE cUms..
yUp tAts aLl..yAwnZ....
So mAny dAEs hAv nOT bEEn bLOggINg..BUsY wIth mY wOrk aT saMeUl n KevIn..nOw hAving sAles At 50% off..
dAmn tIreD..mY bAck AchINg..fOld cLothES untIl liKe hEll..bUt oNe gOod thIng, i PicKed uP caShiEr sKills oREady..bEttER tHan lASt tIme nOt sO pAniC..hAha
ThEse fEW dAEs i wORkEd aFteRnooN sHifTs..wOrkEd slEep nExt daE wOrkEd agAin..I bOUghT pREsEntS fOr mY cOllEagUes..tHEn yEsteRdAE gAve tHem..
oH i vERy bAd lEh..hAi mY in cHarge bOon nEed tO wRiTe rEpoRt..cOz i n zElynn dOwn thEre tAkE pHotos.. eVen thOUgh oUr shoP iS cLOse tHey sTill pay uS money..thE sUpERviSor cAme dOwn tO sPot cHeck tHEn bOon gAna..Die Ar..tAt sUpErvIsoR sO fRee oNE..
yUP tAt'S aLL goTta go woRk nOW..
i sHoUld hAv tUitIon tOdaE bUT i pOstPOne Coz nV dO hOmeWoRk ..LOl..So bUsY hOw to Do..tHen mY tUitIon tEacHER sAy i wOrk sTill mUz tO hIs wOrk..bLeAH.. :P
tOdaE sUppoSe tO wOrK fRom 6 tO cLose..bUt cOz tHey nOe I hAvIng cHriStmAs pArty aT mY fRenZ hSe tHEy sAy dUn nEed tO cUm,sAlES nOt gD tOdAE aSo.. hehe yeah..
vErOniCa iNvIteD uS tO hEr hSe tO eAt ThEn aFtEr tat wE plAy uNo cArds, mOnoPoLy then tAkE pIctUreS..My fAvoUriTe..hehe
gERalDinE n vAnEe lAteR thEn joIneD uS..
tHeN i wEnt tO sIx plUs n vAn fAn's lIve bAnd aT tampiNes..mY wOrk plAce tHere..hEhe lUCky nV sEe mY cOlleGues or eLse sUreLy gAnA sColDed..heHe..i fRm bOonlAy take MRT tO tAmpIneS..dAmn loNg jOurNeY man..
then we lEt thEm sign oUr cDs tAt wE bOughT..mY sIs n i Went uP n ShAkE thEiR hAnDs..so hAndsome...
ah ren
guan ding
six plus!!!
i WEnT tO bUy chRiStmAs pResEnTs fOr mY fRiEnZ..tHEn aFteR tAt wHen tO tHe NKF cOncErt liFefOrCe cElEbRatIoN aT aNgLo-cHinEse sChOol..gOt vAn fAn And sIx pLus... tHey vErY hAnDsOmE mAn..OMG...haha wE sAt 2nD rOw sO nEar mAn..bUt mY sIde tHoSE ppL nOt hIgh oNe.. Then mAdE mE sO eMbArAss tO sHoUt mYsElF..hehe
dId u sEe???vAn sHaKe mY hAnD...hAhA..dun wAn To wAsh my hands aLrEadY..lOl
sIx plUs
i love hIm..OmG hE sOoo cUTe..hE wAvEd aT mE..hehe
afTer tAt wEnt bAck tO mY hSe dOwnStAiRs cHrIstMaS pArty..mY bRo jOined thE juNioR iDol wIf hIs friend..i thInk gOt 1st..They pErfoRmEd tAkEowANdo..oF cOz mY bRo mAH..lol
sUppOSe tO wOrk aT 1.30pM bUt lAst mINuTe gOt sAle..so nEed tO rEach aT 12pm...bUt i sLePt lAte..tHen wAs sUppOsE tO mEet kElVin fOr lUnCh hAhA thEn iN thE eNd hE sTay iN thE sToReroom.. hE hAvIng fEver.. hOpe hE iS aLriTe bY nOw..
oH mY dEArEst cOusIn wEndy dRop bY mY wOrkIng pLacE tOdAe..She nEed tO sEnd hEr fRiEnD oFf aT chAnGi..she Was the 2nD peRSon tO vIsIt mE...
eVerYoNe sAy tOo fAr..So nV cUm..hMmp..k lOH..hAha sHe sAy sO dIffIcUlt tO fInd..Went uP n DoWn tO sEarcH fOr tHe sHop...
tEll u gUys mY wOrKInG pLaCE iS aT lEvel One thE oTheR exIt thEre..lOl
sAW dU yUan oN thE wAy hOme iN thE MrT tHink hE wItH hIs bRo..cOz tHey wEarIng tHe sAmE sHoE..hehhe
tHen sPenCer gOt into pJC 1St 3 mThs...hE aSK mE tO tAkE cAre oF hIm..lOl..sO hAppY fOr hIm...lAst tIme rEtaIn noW hE imProvEd..gDgD..
PAN WEI HAO anOthEr eX cLasSmAte oF mIne gOt 1St iN thE eNtiRe sIngApoRe fOr N lEvel.. I aM rEalLY pRoUd n hAppY fOr hIm..cOz hE lAsT TimE iS rEaLly a bEng..gOt inTo bOys hOme, sMokE, gOt iNto fIghTs..wAt A cHanGE aFtEr cOmiNg oUt n sTartIng a nEw liFe..tHink hIs mUm Sure vEry hAppY... WE 104 n 204 cLaSsmAteS aRe pRoud oF u wEihAo..WEll dOnE...
wE nEed tO wAkE uP aT 5.30am tO dO mAkE uP n dO oUr hAiR..I sLePt fOr a fEw hOurS oNly..sO sLeePy... yAwnZzz..
ouR aftEr mAkeuP fAceS...mE n mY pRetTy cOuSin
wE r tHe 'sIsTErs' oF tHE bRiDe..so wE wEnt tO dIanA'S hSe to sTop thE gRoOM fRoM cOmINg in..ASk hIm qUeStIoNs tHen tAkE hOngbAo fROm hIm..haha
mE n dIanA tHe bEauTiFul bRiDe..
tHEn wE nEed tO fOlloW tHeM tO tHe gRoom'S hSe fOr tEa cEreMoNy aFtEr tAt cUm bAck To dIaNa'S hSe aGaIn fOr tEa cEremOnY..i gOt cArsIcK cOz tHe jOurNey from bOth plAceS sO fAr..HahA...
in the car..jane n me
after the tea ceremony, i went back to sleep so tired...then wake up around 4 to make up for at nites dinner again..
we r the receptionist...
my family
i wOke uP lAte aGaIn..aLmOst 9 aM tHen wAke up..My wOrk sTaRTs At 10am..I rUsH lIke hEll..bUt on mY tO thE mRt bOon mSg me sAy hE wIll bE lAte sO wAiT oUtsIdE fOr hIm..hAha.. tHen i cAn rElaX..pHeW..hehe
dAmn tIrED lAh nV sLeEp pRopErlY yEstERdAe..mY sHoP kEpt on tHE tOp lIst fOr sAlEs..dAmn pOWer..sTupId bOon dUn lEt mE oFf aT 2pm..I sTayEd uNtiL 2.30pm.. i hAvEn eAt sInCe mOrNiNg lAh..
I wEnT hOmE tHen gEt rEadY tOmOrrOw'S sTuFf like mY gOwn mY mOrNinG cLoTHeS fOr THe WEdDinG ANd tEA cErEmOnY.. tHen wEnt tO mY dEarEsT cOuSiN hSe tO sTay..THen gO wIf hEr tOmoRRoW mOrnIng..nOw i aM aT hEr hOuSe.. hEhE..
i dId fAciAl..sEE..hAhA..n oUr bEfOre maKeUp FaCEs..
tOdAe woKe uP vErY lAte cOz yEsTErDaE sLePt aT 2aM...I mEt diAnA n wEnDy aT oRchArd mRt..So cOol 1st tIme cOuSinS wEnt Out TO tOwn tOgEthEr..hEhE...we dIsCuSS on wAt tO dO iN tHE mOrNInG aNd dUrIng DiNNer as hEr sIsTErS...tHinK iT wIll bE vERy fUn...
wE wEnT tO bUgIS tO bUY tHoSe sNoW sPrAy n pArty pOppErs fOr tHeiR wEddInG wHeN tHEy mArcH in..thEn wEnt sHopPing tO sEe iF thEre iS nIce hIgh hEel sHoEs tO bUy FoR mE..bUt dUn hAv...dUno i sHould wEAr mY pRoM nIte drEss anot to The WEdDing..ThE hEelS tAt i wEAr TO pRoM nITe tOO hIgH fOr mE sCaRE vEry hArd tO wAlk..
tHinK tOmOrRoW i'lL bE sTaYiNg oVer aT wEnDy'S hSe tHen gO tOgEtHer dIaNa's hSe the nExT dAe..
my prom nite gown
I wOkE uP aRouNd 11 pLus, vEry lAte oReADy..hAvE tO rUsH tO wOrk..I wOrK aFternOon sHiFt fRom 1.30pm to 10.30pM..I mEt tHe bEng kElVin wHen aLiGhtIng aT tAmPinEs..wE tOOk tHe sAme trAin..hE wAS sO bLuR n kUkU whEn i call hIm.. hAhA..
ouR sAlEs nOt bAd tOdaE..tOp sHop aGain..yEAh...thEy kEpT tEasIng mE aBouT thE
wo bU sHi sIaO eH tHInGy..cOz tAt timE bOon sAy I sIaO eH tHEn i sAy wO bU sHi sIao eH..thEn tHeY kEpT ON lauGHinG.. tHen aNnE sAy dUn cAll mE sIaO eH cAll mE cHio dE...tHeY sO cRAzY..loL
oH mY mUm n mY sIbLinGs cAme tO mY wOrk pLaCe tO fInd me..mY mUm bOuGht a sHiRt fOr dAddY.. tHEn ThEY WEnT sHoPPiNG..I wEnT tO fInd thEm dUrInG my bReaktIme..They aT arCadE..tHEn I pLay tOgEthER wIf thEm fOr AWhIle tHEn fAstEr rUsh bAck to WoRk..hehe..
tOmOrrow hAv tO mEEt dIanA mY cOUSIn tO dIsCUSS hER wEdDing dAe tHiNGy..sUre vEry fUN..
i work from 6pm to close..iT iS sUnDae tOdAE sO I ExPeCt mYself tO bE dAmN bUsy...nOe wAt?
bY 8 pLus our sales rEacH 10k..pOwEr rItE..hEhe..tHen wE sLaCk A lItTlE bIt..fRom yEsteRdAE tIll nOw oUr sHoP hAs bEEn The top sHop oF aLl tHE s&k oUtlEts..WiSmA aWaYs bEen oUr sTroNgESt oPPoNenT, bUt wE wOn tHEm..hehe..BooN sO hApPy sO tReAt uS bUbbLE tEa!!
thEy sAy iF oUr sHop tOp fOr 3 dAEs cOnSEcUtIvE, tHe iN cHarGe wIlL tREaT Us tUrKeY..yEah!!!dUnO hOwS tHe saLe tOmOrROW...
I aM sOOoo tiRed..
wEnt oUt tO tOwN iN thE mOrnIng..aFter tAt cAme bAcK HomE fOr tUiTioN..aFtEr a lOng bReaK tUiTiOn cUmS bAcK aGaIn...I hAv tUiTiOn hOmEwOrK To Do..sIgH...mY tUitIon tEacHer sAy i mUz hAv plaYeD ALOT IN THe 1sT yEaR tAtS y mY gRadeS r liKe tat..hahA..aCtuAlLy iS tRuE loH.. hEhe beeN sLaCkiNg aLot..
I nOw hAd tO sTruGglE wIf wOrk n STuDiEs..cOz i sIgN cOntRact fOr 3 mOntHs iF dUn wAn tO wOrK mUz pAy $$.. tHEn wAt fOr pAy tHE $$ wHen u rETuRn uR pAy tO tHeM rItE?so i jUZ tRy tO cOpe wIf iT lOH...
bEcoZ oF mY wOrK i nEed tO gIv uP oF bEiNG n OGL...I wANa bE bUT hOw i CopE wIf sOoo mAnY thIngS so jUz gIvE uP...hAiZZz..
5566 cOnCerT
I nEvA bRinG mY cAmeRa aLonG...so wAstEd...We sIt rIghT in tHe mIddLe, cAn sEe qUItE cLeArly iF thE pPl in frOnt dUn sTanD uP..dis cOnCeRt hAv aloT oF cElEbRiTiEs...hav tORo,cYnDi, koNe, 183 club and oF cOz 5566..hehe.. i wAS nOt hIgH uNtIl 5566 cAme oUt..I sHoUTed aNd jUmped tIll mY lUngS oUt!!hehe cAn fOrGet eVerytHing...wAs sOo hAppY tO sEe tHem...
i had this cip thingy for kids todae again..need to wake up so early...so tired...i meet cheryl at tb mrt n went to gan eng seng pri sch together..
we were the station masters for the telematch..our station is to play poison ball..i was in charge of the whistle n me n cheryl gave them instructions on wat to play and so on...quite fun at the beginning but when going to the end...my throat was getting very hoarse and dry haha...shout too much..wat u expect...kids running around...
then siti was chosen to be the mascot..haha to be the twinkle mascot..i nv get to c coz i went home early..
i thought i was gona b late for work coz i left my hse at 9am but reached there the shop haven open yet.. i did cashering todae, was very nervous for the 1st time..then got 1 time the com not in the right screen i asked for help frm my friend..then the customer like say me very slow..haha..new mah wat u expect auntie!!!was suppose to sign off at 7pm but the stupid kelvin dun let me off ask me stay awhile more to help out...i had to buy dinner home..my family not at home..
sianzz alonE!!!
i had this cip thingy at sentosa..need to get up so early..so cooling to slp la todae..we met at GES pri sch to collect the game cards..then we went to harbour front hawker to eat n proceed on to sentosa..
it was still early so we went to sit monorail,train, take pictures here n there..the treasure hunt starts at 2 pm.. then me n cheryl went to our station at underwaterworld..the task is to ask them to use their butts to spelt the word underwater world..we were the station master there..it was quite fun actually but need to wait for so long for them to reach our station..while we were waiting me n cheryl were yakking away then suddenly saw a whole bunch of kids running towards us..haha..
i worked afternoon shift todae..from 1.30 to 10.30pm..i had break at 5 plus..kelvin the beng brought me to the nearby coffeeshop to eat nasi lemak..i learned cashering todae..quite fun but i scare i count money very slow..i having hands on on wed duno how will it be like..anne let me off at 10pm but help me sign off at 10.30pm..coz i stay very far..i was so hungry when i reached home..luckily my mum had cooked extra spagetti for me..yuMMy!!!
DAMN tiring!!my legs aching..stand for 8 hrs,can u imagine, then still need to greet welcome s&k!! haha..i had dinner with zelynn, i ate ebi rice burger n ice milk tea from mos burger..
i saw joyce todae with her friend after my work..she came to tampines mall to find her friend..i took train home with zelynn n kelvin..both alight just a few stops away from tampines..so gd..i had to sit all the way back to tiong bahru...
need to wake up so early todae..guys having contact match in the morning so we need to go support them.. our gals match with the navy is in the afternoon...there are 3 games..won 1, lost 2 games..we play modified contact, can tackle them.. the navy won by their size but no game plan not like us we have gd game plan..I got hit by the boots on my mouth..OuCh!!!
our rugby players went town after the match..we ate in far east plaza at those halal shops..then we went shopping.. so tiring man!!!haha..but was quite cool, 1st time chilling out in town wif the ruggers...
todae i worked from 6 to 10.30pm.
sO tiring..met a new staff working as full time, same age as me, waiting for her o level results.her name is zelynn..she looks abit ah lian..my shop all the staff like pai kia except for me..haha
nOe wat??
Maia n sly were smoking n chatting away in starbucks coffee..i went to get their autographs and took pic with sly..i was working then my colleague told me they were behind the shop..the pix i set as my hp wallpaper..hehe
going slp..yawnzzzz
I hAd aN aPpoInTmEnt wIf nEurOvIsIon aT 2pm aT pS..bEcoZ tAt tImE i wEnt tO dIs eXhIbItiOn thIngY aNd they rEcOmmEnD mE tO tHe tREatmEnT wHicH mAkEs mY eYe sEe cLeaRer eVen thOuGh thEy Are jUz sLigHTlY sHorT sIGhtEd n i DUn nEed tO mAkE sPeCs..bUt wHen i Went tHere TheY tEst mY eYes aGain aNd sAt mY eYes wEre pErFect sO dUn nEed tO hAv tReaMenT.. sOunDs cOmpLiCatEd ya? HaHa..
cAn'T wAit tO wOrk tOmOrrOw..tHen i cAn gEt bUsY bUsY bUsy...lOokIng fOrwArd to tOmoRrOw..
vErY lOng hAv nOt bEen bLoggIng..nW i hAv thE tIme tO bLog..sOmEtiMes jUz hAv tO bE rEAlly bUsy tO kEeP sOmE tHinGs wHiCh u dUn wAna thInk AwAy..
I haD to gO fOr tRaIniNg tOdAe aT 3pm tO tRain fOr dIs sAt's cOmiNg mAtch wIf tHe nAvY gIrLs..wE pLaYInG conTaCT rUgBy wIth tHem..cOaCh tAugHt uS hOW to sIdE sTeP n sTuFf..I lEft eArlier aT aBout 5 plUs bEcoz I hAv to rUsH tO wOrK aT tAmpiNes mAll..I wOrKed at sAmeUl n kEvIn..2dAy wAs mY 2nD daE oF wOrK..
I wAs sUppOsED tO rEaCh thEre At 6pm bUt wAS lAte fOr woRk n rEpoRt aT 7pm..lUckY tHe iN chArgE wAS rEAllY kInd enoUgh, hE dId nOt sColD mE..pHeW..hE's a gD pErsOn, hE gEt mE inTo hEre, hE wAs mY fAthEr'S tRaiNeE bF..hE taUghT mE aLot..oH n i fOund 1 f4 plAstIc bAg in The sToRerOom n asK hIm iF hE cAn gIv mE..hE aCtuAllY wANTeD iT bUt gaVe iT tO mE in The eNd..I gOt a watch frm s&k tOo.. tHE pPl thERe r rEAl kInd...
gUyS dO vIsIt mE aNd mY shOp k..haha!!TAMPINES SAMEUL N KEVIN!!!