
Friday, October 29, 2004

Last day of sch??

I bRoUgHt mY cAmEra tO sCh 2dAy..tAke my 04S23 frenz..gEral wAs rEallY upSeT aS sHe tHinKs She gOnA rEtaIn..I hoPe sHe'S aLrIte bY nw..nW thEn i noe iT's sO haRd to gAthEr mY WhOle cLaSs tO takE a claSs pIctuRe..OMG..kEep on Ask tHem to pOsItIon tHeMsElveS pRoPeRlY tHey dWn ThErE dUno dO wAt..

nO mAss Pe 2Day..sO i wEnT Wif cHeRyl tO lOt 1 tO gRab sOmEtHinG tO EAt..wHo nOes dAn cAmE aLoNg too..wE tooK nEoprInTs 2gEtHer..tat's all 4 2day..o ya my pw group mEmBeRs cUmiNg mY hSe In tHe MoRnINg...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

04s23 rulzzz

mS lieW aSk uS tO wRiTe reFlEcTioNs fOr ThE yEar..i WrOte aBouT ouR cLaSs vEry uNiTeD..aT 1sT tHouGht hAvinG dIs clAss wAs sO bOrinG..i dIn exPeCt to hAv mY clAss tO b sO uNitEd n sO fUn..I wroTe ouR nEtbAll matcH, hOw tHe gUys cAme to sUpPort uS n hoW wE thE galS wEnt to suPpoRt tHe gUys plAY tHe tOuCh rugBy mAtCh..wE hAv Cum sO fAr 2gEthEr uP tO nW As oNe UNITED clAsS..sO gLad..hehE lUV tHem..hOpE i WUn gEt retAiN n sO dO mY fRiEnDS n 2gEtheR gEt pRomOted tO j2..

2daY wE dUn hAv mAthS tUtorIal sO cAn gO hM..bUt wE hAv cHem lEctUrE iN thE eVeniNg 5.30pm..BuT to waiT frm 2 to 5.30pm is lOng so wE dEciDeD tO gO hM tHen cum bAck AgAin..whO nOes wE sO lAzY gO hM oReAdy Dun WanA aTtenD lEcturE oReaDy..hehE..vErY noTTi riTe..

gOd nOes..mY cHinEse aleveL iS cUmIng sOon..i dUn evEn nOe uNtil mY fRnD rEmiNdS mE AgAin..nXt fRi iGuEss..OH mAn..hAvEn sTuDy yEt..sOmEoNe aSk mE tO sTuDy hArD sO i nEed tO sTudY hArd hArd 4 mY chInEse so nXt yR dUn nEeD tAkE agAin..hehE

signing off..:p

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

RoCk cLimBinG

sAw hAzwAn n aIsHah sIting 2gEtheR aT The ConcouRSe dIs mOrNinG..SomEtHinG fisHy iS gOiNg on bEt tHey 2..HehE mR qUek aNnOunce tAt wE wIll b gEttIng bAc oUr rEsuLts oN mOn 1sT Nov..sCarE lEh..i hoPe i wUn rEtAin mAn..

We hAv rOcK cLimBinG fOr Pe 2dAy..sO mUz wEAr tRacK pAnTs..I cOnqUeRed eVerY rOck wall..yEah..eXcEpt 4 tHe slanTinG 1... gD yA..hEhE dUnO hW i gEt mY fIngErs sCRatCheD, tHink gOt sCraTch WhiLe cLimBinG..vEry pain..bUt i Am sTrong so nvm..

cHinEse lEssOn jUz dO sUrVeyS..tHen cHeM tUtOrIal, mS aW nOt hEre..sO sKip hEr lEsson.. hEhE..So Gd!!!mY dAd bOugHt a pIanO 4 mY sIs..sO jEalOus..i Aso wAnA lEaRn PiaNo..I hAv cReatEd mY pIc gAllEriEs..fEel fRee tO vIeW k..hehe

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

SlAckEst dAy..

hW stUpiD cAn i gEt to puT mY bUs pAss iN my sHoebAg n lefT iT iN tHe rUgBy cAge..tHen i uSe my bRo's bUs pass tO cUm tO sCh..mY fEllOw rouGes hAve dIs hAbIt oF gAthErinG in thE cAnTeen iN tHe mOrninG sO i wEnT tHerE n sun bian go get key fRm hUilIng To oPeN tHe cAgE..bUt wEnt tHerE aSo qUiTe sIanZz, tHey wEre tOking oN tHeiR oWn sTuff, i asO nOtin tO tOk AbT tO tHem...

toDaY aIsHaH n HAzWan dId nOt CuM tO sch..hOpE aishAh gEt wEll sOon..As 4 HaZwAn dUno iS bEcOz oF aiShaH taT'S y nV cuM..haha bUt aNyWay hOPe They R boTh aLrIte..

i dId nOt AttEnd GP leSson aS uSuAl as Ms lIm dOeS noT cAre anYwAy..i wAs in tHe lIbRary wItH mY 2 pIgs uP tO 1pm n wEnt 4 pHysiCs lEctuRe..lEcTuRe wAs bORinG..tEaCh ThE sUpErpOsITioNs..So DiFfiCult..tHe lEcTuRe tHeAtRe waS qUiTe eMpTY tHinK AlOt oF pPl eItHer pOn sCh oR sKIp lEcturEs.. oF cOz la Who wana lIstEn WhEn ExAms r oVer n sumoRe wE dUn eVeN Noe oUr fAte..iF we gOInG ReTAIn oR nOt..i vEry sCaRe hPe i wUn gEt rEtaIn..mS Liew sAy GoT A coUple of pPl gOnA rEtAin..

i wEnT tO lOt 1 TO gEt rubBer bAnDs aS mY rUbbEr bAnD sPoIl oReAdy..tHen hAd SqUid bOdY 4 sNaCkS n sUsHi n my fav lApIs cAkE..hEhE..nW tHen nOtiCe lOt 1 sO many bEnGs n LIanS..Dun rEallY liKe tHerE..oYa cheRyl Say WaNA TREAt Me to Suki sUShI tO Eat 4 my belated bDaY pReSeNt..hEhE yEaH..iS wRiTtEn hErE..cHerYl u canoT rUn AwAy..ya tats all..

Monday, October 25, 2004

La mIan!!!

2day we were very slack..onlY attEnd pW lEsson..bEcOz oUr cHinEse tEacHer bRouGht uS to cHinAtOwn tO eAt lA mIan..tHey teAcH uS hOw tO mAke lA mIan n dUmpLinGs...bUt inSteAd oF mAkIng wE tHroW fLouR aT eAch OthEr..bUt tHe wE iS nOt mE lA..oF cOz..iS tHe chIldIsh gals gEral n cHerYl..tHe lA mIan nOt nIce loh, wAsTe mY mOnEy..8 bUCcKs..oUr bUs hAv nOt cUm Yet, so our tEacHer lEt uS gO sHoppiNg..bUt aS u All nOe cHinAtOwn Is tHosE aUnTieS n UnClEs pLacE..nOtIng To ShoP..sO jUz anYhOw wAlK hEre n ThEre..

On ThE wAy bAcK, OnlY wE tHe 3 lIttLe pIgs wEre tOking n lAUGhInG aWaY On The bUs.. eVeRyBoDy weRe sLeepiNg n no1 is TOkINg..loL..tHen bAck iN sCh we hAd oUr pw oRal pReSenTatIon..ChEryL's gRoup pResEnt 2day..sO fUnnY..nOt hEr uSual sElf WhEn pResEntiNg kEep looKing aT hEr nOteS..lol

I wAs vEry wOrriEd dUriNg thE pW lEsson cOz i tOt sOmebOdy wAs aNgRy wif mE.. tHen I rEaliSed mY pHonE nO rEcEpTion..sTupId 8250 hP..My hP 6610 was send 4 repair..haD RuGBy TrNG TaT DaY..WaS RaInINg HeAvILy..WHen i rEacHed tHe gRanDsTaNd, sAw thE rOugEs gAthEriNg 2gEthEr tOkinG..iT sEemS sErioUs dIscUssIon..n cAme tO nOe taT oUr cOacH hAs bEen sAckEd..gOt pPl ComPlAin Tat hIs tEacHinG nOt EffEctIvE enOuGh n hE tEacH uS cOnTacT rUgBy iNSteAd oF tOuCh rUgbY..sO wE hAd tO WorK on OuR sKiLls oUrsElvEs fOr tHe cUmiNg mAtcHes..ya..

Sign oFf..

Sunday, October 24, 2004

RuGbY CliNiC...

wE hAv dIs rUgBy cLinIc aT CCAB nEar SMU..I mEet sUyI n The oTheR tEammAtEs aT CCK sTatIon aS i dUno hW tO gEt tHerE..wE wErE tHe oNly JC Sch tHere..thEn aNotheR sCh wAs WESTWOOD..tHIs cliNiC WaS hElD bY sOmE bRiTIsH pOlIcE fOrCe RuGbY tEam..ThEy aRe dAmn bIg sIzE..

wE WerE sPlIt iNto 4 gRps..thEre wEre 4 stAtions..i wAs aBit dIsgUsTed by 1 StAtIoN..thE gAme gOeS lIke tAt..If u wErE tOuCheD bY a PeRsOn WiF tHe baLl,u hAd tO fReezE thEn in ordEr to rEgaIn tO mOve, sOmE1 mUz cRawl uNdEr uR lEg..tHen i wAs sO uNlUcKy To gEt ToUchEd,a gUy cAme tO 'rescUe mE' bY cRawlIng uNdEr mY lEgs!!!oH MAN!! wAs sO ShOckEd.. buT lUckY wAs jUz 1 gUy..sOmE gAls hAd mAny gUys cRaWl unDeR tHeIR lEgS too..loL..

yEap iT wAs QuIte tIriNg bUt aFteR all We eNjoYeD it...wE hAd dInnEr opP bEauTy wOrlD.. I aTe rIcE wIth cHicken EgG sAmbAl..wAs nIcceee...hehe..I kEep 4 gEting tHe nAm oF my oRdEr..cOz wE hAd tO wAiT 4 ThE mUsliMs ppL tO gEt bAc fRm mOsques b4 wE oRdeR oUr fOod..tHen i hAd to kEep rEtuRniNg bAcK tO mEnU bOok to c whAt i wanT..

I dUnO hOw tO gEt bAck hM frm tHerE so wEnt wIf qAlaam..hE sTay neAr mY hSe,rEdhIll.. wHo nOes..hE sO bLur aT nIte..wE hAd tO wAlk hErE n thEre to fiNd tHe 961 buS sTop..O mAn wAs dAmn tIriNg bUt i DiD noT sAy..hEhE..I sHoWed qAlaaM tHe pIcs I tOok 4 tHat rUgBy cLinIc..n hE sAw I TooK aHemm pIc..sO pAi sEh..yA tT's aLl signing off..:) yaWnzzz

Saturday, October 23, 2004


WeNt tO SA jC dIs mOrniNg..SenThiL sUppose To mEeT mE n ChEryL, but last mInuTe hE cOuLd nOt gO.. wE mEet gEral n CinDy At the BuS sTop..iTs sO wEiRd lA me n ChEryl wEar beAch Wear to SA..sUmoRe cHeRyl bRouGht tHe vbAll bAll iNsIde..OMG!!dAmN fUnnY..tHey nEed tO sCan OuR bUs pAss..i mANagE to gEt tHru sAying I aM sEc5..hEhE thEn gOt a SA sHoE bAg..Cool RiTe??hEhE

AfTer ThAt wEnT tO SenToSa wIf cHerYl n hEr BCMG fRenZ..fEel AbIT ExTrA..bUt StIll noE tHem ThoUGh..bUt nV tOk AloT..gOt YIru,sIng yEe,cHanTong, dAriuS, WantIng, gEklIng..wE pLay bEacH vbAll at palaWan then wEnt silOSo kAyAk..iT wAs noT sUnnY at alL..sO noT rEallY goT tann...tHen i wOrE mY rOXy cAp..hEhE..sAw mY EC 2 aT sIloSo..hE sO hAnDsoMe..loL..iT wAs quITe fUn AfTEr aLl...

Friday, October 22, 2004


FiNalLy man..Was sO pIsSed oFf wIf thE ScH'S cOm jUz nW..So iRriTatIng....DamN sLow mAn..I pOn pHySicS lEsSon 2dAy..n CamE tO tHe lIbaRY..

Oh yA weNt wif ChEryL yEstErdAy to Lot1 to EaT..GeRaL WeNt Hm oReAdy..ThEn'S tHeRe'S dIs gRp oF bEnGs n LiAnS lOokIng At uS tHen PoInt tO ChErYl..TaT Was sCaRy..DuNo tHey wAnA fInd TroubLe oR wAt..

YEstErdaY's 9pM shoW was gReaT, The cHaMpIon..Got ToRo..So hAnDsOmE!!!I wAtChEd sIngApoRe IdoL tOo..ChrIsTopHer sAng wEll lAsT nIte n hE wAs sOooo cUte..hehe..thEn i WaTchEd thE wIntA sOnaTa vCd aT eVery cOmmErcIal bReak.. SwItCh hErE n ThErE..SaVe tImE..lol..tTs y wAs sLeepIng in cHeM lEcTUrE jUz Nw...So tIrEd..

dUnO whEthEr i ShouLd bElEve hIm aNot..SomEtImEs hE sOunDs vEry FiLrt..buT he'S sWeeT aT tImEs..hEhE..I ReAllY dUno mAn..ThInk i nEed sOme tIme tO mAkE tHe DeciSion..

I hAv DeCiDeD to uSe tHe sCh'S cOm DiS fEw wEekS so tHat tO acT gUai iN fRonT of my PaRentS..TheN WeNt thE bIllS cOmE, ThEy nOe tHat iT wAs my siS whO uSe tHe inTeRnEt aLl tHe WhIle..HEhE smaRt huh??

sO hUngRy nW..HaVeN eAt SinCe mORnInG..ThInk bEtER gO eAt nW... :)

Thursday, October 21, 2004


MY HP BiLl CAme n tHE bIlL Was vEry hIgH..mY PaRentS ArE SO dAmN uNhAPpy wIf me....ThEy fOuND OuT ThAt tHerE's soME1 wHo kEep mSgInG mE...n thE PErSOn iS A GUy...Oh gOD!!

YeStErdAy i WaS a gD gAl..Nv UsE mY Hp,nV gO ol..My EyEs wErE sWolLen yEsTeRdAy..Dun DaRe tO LoOk At Ppl in sCH..bEcOz i cRiEd... :( tHeN MY EyES sO AwfUll..AcTuAllY dUn WaNa Go Sch..

hehe..2day was A BeTTer dAy...WanTed to pOn GP LEsOn AgAiN 2Day..BuT Who nOEs Ms LiM SaW We 3 dIs mOrnInG had nO cHoiCe BuT to GO..ChInESe LEsSon WaS BorInG..mUz dO ComPo...HaTe It mAn!!! bUt still Do fInISh..WroTe rubBiSh..No mAthS lEsSon 2DAy...!!!can gO HOmE EaRly...

OyA iTs a SMaLL WoRlD MAn.. LiSa'S cOuSin iS mY qSS fRiEnd..cAn'T belIEVe IT!!ItS bErNaRd!!hAhA..

Monday, October 18, 2004


So unLucky..4gOt to bRing mY hp to sCH 2DaY...tHouGht I lOsT mY hP oN thE WaY tO sCh.. Not uSed tO it mAn WiThout mY hP ...hEHe..It Is a bOreD dAy withOut mY hP,noTin cAn brIgHteN uP mY day..lol..mE, gEraL n ChEryl pOn Gp lEssoN 2daY.. hEHe so fUn mAn!!!wE wErE in ThE lIBRaRy mAKing mY BlOg...thats wat i am doing nw..StuPid tErenCe n Chong yI cAmE to bLuFf me SaY mS lim lOokiNg 4 mE AsK me GO up nW... Then sAy ShE SAw me dIs mOrniNg ThEN Y Nv cUm 4 hEr lEssOn...Only i aM tHe sTupiD 1 wHo BeLievEs... aFtEr tHat tHEY sAY iS FAkED 1..Then came pUsH n sEnThIl.. TheY SaY mS lIM WaS lOoKing 4 mE toO n nEed mE to tAKE some sTuFf..I dUn bElIeVE aT 1St bUt tHeIr AcTiNg wAs So Gd ThaT I fElL 4 ThEm AgaiIN..EnD uP gOiNG WIF tHem tO TaKE nEwSwEek... Then ThEy SAy nVm ThEy gO uP tEll mS lIm tHaT I NoT fEelIng weLl..WhEn I TUrn bAcK SAw tHeM LaUgHinG..ThAt wAs ThE tImE I noE i hav bEen tRickEd AgAIN..Oh maN!!!:P

Friday, October 15, 2004

aFter eXam...

After exam should be very fun, but who noes its so boring..2day we hav career talks in sch..quite ok 4 the start of the day coz the talk is about media...thAts what i am gona be in,tat industry..yup..as a producer..hehe.. love to boss ppl around..kekezz..yeah..but 4 the rest of the day of sch were real sianzz..projecT woRk!!!god!my leader sign out then nobody tells us wat to do..but me n mahane took the initiative to do the powerpoint..but the stupid laptop frm sch is damn lagging..was so pissed off with it..at last we did nothing..oh yaa..gona get my touch rugby jersey 2m..yeah 54 buCks..!! so ex!ya tts 4 2day..:)